Greek Translations in Cyprus
Certified Greek Translations in Cyprus through the PIO, District Court, Notary Public, Apostile....
RC Group offers professional and certified Greek translations in Cyprus!
Greek is an ancient language, often referred to as a founding language of philosophy, law, medicine along with Latin.
It is the official language of Greek and an official language in Cyprus, a popular corporate hub globally known for its preferable tax regime, banking system, beaches and beautiful people!
Our company provides accurate, professional and certified service in translating your documents from Greek to English, English to Greek and over 75 languages.
We are located in Cyprus, however if you are outside of our territory, we can service you through most popular couriers.

Certified Greek Translations
Certification of our translations is made through:
District Court of Nicosia
Notary Public
Embassy of Israel
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Justice
Translation of Corporate Documents
Translation of Personal Documents
Translation of Utility Bills
Translation of KYC documents
Translation of Bank Accounts
Translation of Contracts
Translation of Statements
Translation of Power of Attorney
Top Clients
Forex Companies
Binary Options
Insurance Companies
Real Estate Agents
Law Firms
Corporate Service Providers
Official Institutions
Educational Establishments